Bottle None - Ali Siegmueller

Bottle None - Ali Siegmueller

portia-ella wouldn't exist without the visionaries behind our partner brands. These are women who saw something missing in the Canadian market and then found the courage and ambition to make it available. Or perhaps they had a dream to create something to call their own and change the course of life for themselves and their families. We are eager to champion them as individuals - powerful and full of passion. We are proud to offer their creations here at portia-ella; the largest selection of clean-beauty products in Canada.  

Today we get to know Ali Siegmueller of Bottle None. She founded Bottle None with her sister and best friend Jaye Siegmueller and together they've put a lot of work into their formulations and really understand the science behind proper hair + body care. "We carefully curate each product with a lot of intention and love and we hope you can feel it! Our hands on approach to the ingredient sourcing and formulations allows us to create products we're aligned with, and stand behind."

about business

How long have you been an indie-beauty brand owner? My origin as an indie-beauty brand owner started with organic skincare, body products, and herbal remedies nearly 10 years ago.

What was the inspiration to start your brand? We brought Bottle None into creation as a passion project designed to navigate the changing times of both the world and of my life at the time.  Our values of Canadian made products, ingredients with integrity, and salon quality results was definitely the key inspiration for our brand. 

What is your involvement in the creation of your products? Like many businesses, at the beginning it was a small hands-on operation where I was the main producer of all our products. As we grew and expanded, two amazing women joined the team to fulfill our production volume requirements.  I am greatly involved in all formulations of our products, sourcing their ingredients, and all the other nooks and crannies of operations.

Did everything go as planned as you began to build your business? What were some (positive and negative) surprises along the way? We launched at the very end of 2019, right before things got wild for the world.  I think in many ways when you launch a business you never know what to expect, but I don’t think we ever thought a global crisis would be on that list.  Supporting local brick and mortar stores was one of our foundational values and so nourishing those relationships with store owners as they also navigated their own challenges was both a fulfilling and illuminating experience.  One of our big positive surprises along the way was being aired on Dragon’s Den in 2020.  It was a really incredible experience and I learned SO much about business since then.

Amid all the challenges of owning your own business, what motivates you to continue chasing your dream? I would say, my “Why”. Living a life that is flexible, fun, and a creative expression of my authentic self is “the dream”. It still resonates very much with our brand values of sustainable ways of living and honoring the Earth by consuming and using natural products and remedies. 

    about clean beauty

    What does clean beauty mean to you? Clean Beauty to me is where the values of authentic expression of self and the reciprocity of overall wellness of the Earth meet.  It’s an embodiment of a pure hearted way of living in relationship with ourselves, one another, and with Mother Earth.

    Is there a star ingredient your product range? Ooo, that’s a tough one. We curate each line with their own personas of ingredients designed for specific purpose and function.  Having said that, Nettle does seem to be an herb that we use in our infusions that lands in a lot of our bars.  It’s a really wise plant ally that boasts high mineral content for strengthening hair.

    What is your favourite product from your brand? I personally love the beSTRONG line, and the Body Stick. Their scents are so uplifting and my hair keeps getting longer and stronger with the consistent use of this line.

    Share your favourite clean beauty product you use regularly from another brand. The facial serum from Bare Nature Skincare + Cosmetic is THE best.

      about you

      Describe a “day in your life”. Every day is a little different, but coffee (or tea) first, always!!! Getting the littles off to school and then heading to the Bottle None shop to get the day rolling.  Emails, emails, emails (iykyk)…..and then we jump into the ever-inspiring conversations at our shop, the women I work with are truly incredible and I just love catching up with them and navigating the production plans each week. I love that I have flexibility for my day, and that as things organically arise I can flow with where my creative energy is being called to.

      Do you have any tips to maintain balance in your day-to-day? Any life hacks you would like to share? I love a balance of social ventures, physical movement, and an organized task list. A calendar is my GO-TO to keep balance and flow in my life and keeps my brain focused on the tasks at hand.  Physical movement and breathwork have also been monumental pillars for keeping a sustainable presence within my day-to-day life.

      What brings you joy – besides the brand you built? I love my children, so much.  It’s such an honourable and heart expanding experience to be their mother, and I am always blown away at how much Joy they bring to the world.  Outside of being a mother, I love to dance, to travel, and to laugh.  Often!!  I am an artist at heart and truly believe that art is an expression in all things.  The way we dress, move, speak, feel, perceive.  It’s all art. I could go on and on…I am so grateful for all the joy I experience in this life. 

      What occupies your free time? Or if you don’t have much free time, what do you imagine you would fill it with someday? The free-time I have gets filled with reading, time in nature, micro-learning, and flowing with what feels right in that moment.   Sometimes it’s an impromptu trip to the wild hotsprings, coffee with friends, and sometimes it’s time in silence, integrating life.