back to your clean (personal care) routine
September is synonymous with routine. While the unstructured and carefree days of summer are dreamy, there’s something about getting back into the swing of things that can feel so comforting. Routines string together daily habits and rituals that make life easy and predictable.
indulge all your senses
Stimulus is all around us, all the time, but it fails (more often than not) to truly satisfy us and make us feel complete, at rest, and fulfilled. This deficiency can lead to increased stress, poorer sleep, and increase our craving for unhealthy food and behaviours. Try these 6 ways to treat your senses to a full, luxury experience, that is sure to calm and fulfill you to your core.
Tags: body care, self care, shopping guide
skincare's best-kept secret
Have we been ignoring the most potent skincare products available? Oils. Without a doubt the most misunderstood type of beauty product on the market. When some endorse their benefits while others warn against the damage they can cause, we’re left confused, wondering whether there’s any truth to the skepticism. Why...
Tags: anti-aging, self care, shopping guide, skin care
#1 way to always be beautiful
It’s all around us. Everywhere we look, we’re being sold something new, shinier and better than we already have. The message that we’ll be more worthy if we just follow the trends and hop on the bandwagon has been shoved down our throats for as long as we can remember....